Please join us for this special event as we come together to positively impact poverty in our community. Treasure McKenzie will discuss proven concepts and strategies to reduce poverty across Rome and Floyd County. Treasure will delve into how constituents across the community, working together, can drive long term change in the lives of individuals and families living in poverty. Treasure will share the experience and results of the Muskogee Oklahoma Bridges Out of Poverty organization where she serves as the Executive Director.

Poverty is not just an individual situation. Addressing poverty requires a collaborative community effort. Rome-Floyd County Bridges Out Of Poverty commits to continue to work with our community partners in education, healthcare, faith based, law enforcement, judiciary, business and social services sectors to help bridge the gap. As a community working together we can not only change the lives of individuals and families living in poverty, but also brighten the face of our community. Our goal is to help individuals and families achieve the ability to move from a situation of requiring resources to becoming a contributor to the community.